July 7th, 2020 at 7pm
Meeting online: The tools, the processes, and the art of hosting
The July:7at7 event will be about "hosting events online". We are happy to host a diverse group of people that have been forced the last months to change their working routine and become organizers and facilitators of online meetings, workshops and events.
On the table are:
- A digital activist who had various online sessions in working groups from 5-50 persons,
- a researcher at ETH Zurich who had to transfer a whole architecture studio online,
- an employee in a big tech company who had to work from home,
- an artist working with participatory performance who had to reinvent her projects in new formats,
- an event organizer who had to organize events with hundrends of people,
- an interaction designer who coordinated a wide variety of interactive digital formats.
The goal is to exchange of experiences, and stories regarding the technological tools (zoom, skype, jit.si, BigBlueButton, and more), the facilitation methodologies, and most importantly the art of hosting. Can anyone really claim to be an expert on this?
The round table will take place physically at L200, at Langstrasse 200, Zurich.
This time, due to Corona, participation will be possible only online through the BigBlueButton web conferencing server hosted by Digitale Gesellschaft, accessible here:
https://digitale-gesellschaft.ch/pub/7at7Such "hybrid" formats, combining physical with virtual events, will be exactly one of the main topics for the discussion that will follow the initial presentations.
How can we combine physical contact with digital participation in ways that are enriching and avoid leaving everyone exchausted and empty in their appartment after the end of an online gathering?
19:00 - 20:00: Three rounds of short statements (self-introduction, interesting/funny stories from our onine experiences, more "technical" lessons learned on tools, processes, and the art of hosting, based on the different perspectives)
After 20:00: Break-out rooms online and offline: the discussion continues in smaller groups ideally people gathered in physical locations, or online in the BBB room separately.
sva (GNUnet, CCC-CH, pEp.foundation)
Katja Dörlemann (SWITCH)
Charlotte Schaeben (ETH Zurich, Design in dialogue lab)
Laurenne Descamps (ImpactHub, Circular Economy Transition)
Ramona Sprenger (Dezentrum)
Manon Fantini (Participation and inclusive processes)
Panayotis Antoniadis (ISOC-CH, NetHood, L200, Openki)
Online moderation
karlessi (C.I.R.C.E, alekos.net)
Jens Martignoni (ZHAW, Flexibles, NetHood)
Hernâni Marques (p≡p foundation)
Note: The main language of the roundtable will be English.